Mickey Banda’s sermon “The Cup” started with Indiana Jones, the Knights Templar, and his coffee cup collection. Mickey then proceeded to explain the relevance of these things in view of the Lord’s Supper. Some notable quotes are: ” What’s in the Cup?”, “Why doesn’t He want to drink it?”, “Sin was in the Cup”. And “Daddy, where are you?”
Mickey used the following scriptures: Gen 3:24, Rom. 5:12, Gal. 3:13, 1 John 3:4, Matt. 26:39-42, John 10:17-18, Mark 15:34, Is.53:4-6, Rev. 14:9-10, 17:3-5, Ps. 23:5, 116:13
Listen to audio of the sermon here -> 3-28-2015 sermon (45 min)
Mickey Banda comes from The Open Door Church of God (7th Day) in Houston, Texas and was preaching by request
Mickey, you gave an excellent sermon that prepared my heart for participating in the Lord’s Supper.