Apr. 21, 2012 – Sermon on “No turning back – the Salt Covenant” by Roy Keim

Roy Keim’s sermon “No turning back – the Salt Covenant” was an encouragement for us to renew our commitment to a Holy Life based on Loyalty, Faithfulness and Trust.  He used various illustrations about leaven, honey and salt, including Lot’s wife. The scriptures he used were: Num 30:2, Amos 3:7, 1Cor 10:11, Lev. 2:13, Ex 12:15, matt 5:13-14, Mark 9, col. 4:5-6, Num. 14:2, Num 14:43.

Audio can be heard by clicking on this link -> 4-21-sermon

Roy Keim is an Elder in the Conroe Chruch of God 7th Day and contributes sermons from time to time.



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