Pastor Paul describes the sermon as: Isaac dug again the wells that his father had dug. There is an allegorical application that I am looking at: the water representing the blessings from God that has been discovered by Christians through the ages. Our church does not exist by accident. There are those who have gone before us that have invested their lives in studying God’s Word, and advancing His kingdom. We have entered into the year 2017. This year, we will begin to redig our spiritual wells. We will rediscover some of our core beliefs and experiences. I give just a handful of examples: our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ; our dedication to the Holy Bible; our expectancy of God’s Holy Spirit; our obedience to the Sabbath; the mission of the church.
Paul used the following scriptures: Genesis 26:17-22, Isaiah 12:3
Listen to audio of the sermon here -> ( 35 minutes) 1-7-17 sermon
Paul Pedersen is the pastor of the Conroe Church of God (7th Day)