Nathan Lawson’s sermon “Good Morning Charlie Brown” was inspired by a comic strip titled The EasyYoke, Nathan says it is the first time he has found inspiration in a comic strip character. The short version is that Charlie Brown was informed by Linus about the meaning of the yoke he (Linus) was wearing as he met Charlie Brown on the road. The meaning ultimately led to Matt 11:29 and Jesus saying that His yoke was easy and the burden light. Nathan endeavored to contrast the difference in the yoke of bondage with the yoke of light.
Nathan referenced the following scriptures: Jer. 28.10. 1Kings 12:9, Lam. 1:14, Matt. 11:27-30, and Gal. 1:3-4
Listen to audio of the sermon here -> 8-11-12 sermon
Nathan Lawson is an Elder at the Conroe Church of God 7th Day and lives in Conroe, TX. He is the retired pastor of the Conroe church and was preaching by request.
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